As a meditative group project I first taught a group of high school students how to draw a labyrinth maze and discussed its history and significance. Then we went to the beach and made a 15x15' walkable labyrinth maze! The students were tired by the end but proud of their accomplishment. Afterwards we went up to the bluffs above to see our work from a new perspective and... the coolest thing happened... we noticed people next to our labyrinth had started building one of their own! We immediately inspired others through our work!
Teaching adults how to create and incorporate 1, 2, and 3 - point perspective drawings into their work. This understanding allows for easier creation of objects and environments.
all about
I taught 1st-6th grade students about how artists use color wheels as a tool and then we had fun creating our own unique color wheels. At the end we created either a group color wheel or mural (rainbow poster shown) by cutting out colored images from magazines and pasting them on a large canvas.
With my after-school 1st-6th grade students I announced each day's one word theme and then they were allowed to submit one ink drawing per day. Along with other staff, I chose a winner each day and posted it on a calendar for the whole month of Inktober (October). We had 23 different winners and students were sad when it was over because they had so much fun drawing each day.
5'X7' WAVE
The principal asked me to create a poster for a school event. During art class, I had more than 50 1st-6th grade students help paint this.
I taught fundamental painting skills to K-6th graders and then had them cut up and rearrange their circles to create a large work of art which was displayed in the hallway at school for a few months.
After learning about patterns, students practiced making them with objects and then finally we demonstrated how cool patterns are by turning something such as a scribble into a beautiful piece of art.
It started out as a project to inspire students to think of ways to change the world. They inspired me so much with their work that I felt I had to create this video to share their thoughts and their artwork!
After teaching students how to do 'gesture' drawings and practicing drawing different poses from real life, these 2nd-4th grade students had fun choosing an expressive pose to color.